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Game Schedules
2024 Recreational Season Schedules
Game Cards
- U6-U8: There are no game cards, scores are recorded, but remain hidden. Recording scores are used for reseeding teams after the break.
- U9-U14: The home team is required to print the game card below and provide to the referee at the game. Both teams should confirm their rosters prior to the game starting. Both coaches will need to confirm the final score using a link sent out by TeamSideline.
- U15+: The home team will print the game card from GotSport and provide to the referee before the game, then will input the score into GotSport after the game is completed. See below instructions.
Field Notes
- Douglas Ranch Park – If parking on Stirling Street, you must park on the side closest to the field. Parking on the opposite side is not allowed (fire lane) and violators will be towed.
- Olympus Park – If parking on La Croix Drive, you must park on the side closest to the field. Parking on the opposite side is not allowed (permit only) and violators will be towed.