Competitive Program FAQS
What makes Competitive soccer different than Recreational?
Most players in our club play at the Recreation level. The Competitive soccer program is for those players U9 and above who are looking for a higher level of play and possess the skills necessary to compete with more advanced players/teams. Those players wishing to play at the Competitive level must attend tryouts and be selected to play on a Competitive team. The Coach is usually a parent of one of the players on the team, he or she must have an USSF E, F or Grassroots coaching license, have a background check through Live Scan, and be certified with the Positive Coaching Alliance.
Most Competitive teams also hire a paid Professional Soccer Trainer to improve technical/tactical play aspects like foot skills, passing, and game strategy. Teams play 10 regular League games, and also participate in pre and post season tournaments. Granite Bay FC’s Competitive soccer teams adhere to a play rule for U9-U11 of 35%, ensuring that all players play at least 35% play time of each league game, and 35% of tournament games. U12 and up adhere to a 35% play rule for games and tournaments.
Can a child play on a Granite Bay FC Competitive team if he or she doesn’t live in Granite Bay?
Yes. Granite Bay FC has open tryouts. We see players from Folsom, Rocklin, Roseville, Loomis, Lincoln, San Juan and even Gold River! Tryouts are free, and we often host clinics and skills camps so all players can “try us out” to meet our trainers and see what competitive teams are about. We strive to hold tryouts that do not conflict with other clubs so athletes can make it to their local club as well as our tryouts to determine the fit that is best for them.
When are Granite Bay FC’s Competitive Soccer try-outs?
Tryouts vary by age categories. U9-U14 Try Outs are the earliest, typically held in May. U15-U19 are typically held in June. However, these try out schedules can be affected and modified due to various factors. Dates are announced via our website, e-mail and social media once confirmed. The requirements, tryout times, and selection process for U9-U19 are posted under Competitive Tryouts on our Home Page.
Who conducts the tryouts and who makes the decisions on teams?
Typically, our long term Trainers will run the drills and exercises during tryouts. The Coaches for each age group will be on the field evaluating and working together to place athletes on the teams most appropriate for the competition level exhibited during the sessions. We understand that tryouts can be stressful for young players and conduct the selection process to be sensitive to the feelings of those players who are not selected. Offers are typically made via telephone after the tryout sessions.
How are the Competitive Teams structured?
Competitive Teams have a volunteer Coaching staff (usually a Head Coach and an Assistant Coach). They are Coaches because they love to help kids develop a love of soccer, pure and simple. Our club promotes a culture beyond “play to win” to incorporate Life Lessons through sport. The Coaches are dedicated to each team. In other clubs, Coaches are assigned numerous teams to manage. We prefer our model because Coaches develop a greater bond with the players and are better able to provide growth and development strategies for each individual as well as the team.
Competitive teams employ a paid Professional Trainer to focus on technical and tactical points of the game. Trainers typically run the practice sessions, but do not come to games.
Team parents play an important role in each team. Volunteers will be asked to step forward and participate in the operation of the team, including things like coordinating a uniform order, ensuring benches and needed shade structures make it to the games, manage the team finances, handle applications for tournaments, plan team social functions, etc.
How long is the soccer season for Granite Bay FC Competitive Soccer?
The NorCal Fall season play consists of 8-10 games from September through November. For many teams, training begins in early summer with tournaments beginning in August. Some teams choose to play in the NorCal State Cup, which runs through late Fall or early Winter for the younger age groups, and through the Spring for the older age groups. In addition, some teams may play in the NorCal Spring season, with another 8-10 games running from March through May.
What is the cost for a player’s season in the Granite Bay FC Competitive Soccer program?
Cost varies by team, typically ranging between $600 to $1,200. These overall costs depend on Trainer fees, uniform costs (if any), length of season, and the number of tournaments entered. The Coach will provide an estimate of the season expenses at tryouts.